Speaking of which, what do readers think about the looks in Drona?
i dont think its just the looks which matter, if drona has okayish storyline and good effects it might work and then the looks would just work :-)... i think its the package which will work or fail and then we can crave abt the looks or ridicule it :-)...
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i dont think its just the looks which matter, if drona has okayish storyline and good effects it might work and then the looks would just work :-)... i think its the package which will work or fail and then we can crave abt the looks or ridicule it :-)...
The look obviously does matter as it helps the movie to sell, but the drona look, ew, theres nothing to like in it.
Guys i m with u but mind it look play an important role at least it make impression first then the other thing comes.
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